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BeautyRx by Dr. Schultz

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About BeautyRx
by Dr. Schultz

BeautyRx by Dr. Schultz offers the complete dermatologist experience without ever stepping foot in a doctor’s office.

BeautyRx is peels.
BeautyRx is products.
BeautyRx is services.

Our Story: How BeautyRx Was Born

It all started with one doctor and his industry-changing breakthrough
over 20 years ago.

Patients would come to Dr. Schultz and ask him to “fix their wrinkles.” He would. But then they would return, still unhappy with their skin. This would happen time and time again, and this caused Dr. Schultz to take a step back and think about how he could better address the concerns of his patients. In time, he figured it out: It’s not just about wrinkles! And in order to achieve your brightest, youngest-looking skin, you need to start treating the rest of your face. After experimenting with different ingredients, tools, and procedures, Dr. Schultz determined that professional exfoliation was the key his patients main skin concerns. That’s why he made exfoliation the core of his dermatology practice.

“He found it in

He started by using retinoids, such as Retin A, because at the time, they were the best available. Unfortunately, they were -- and still continue to be -- irritating to the skin’s surface. He knew there had to be a better solution. He found it in glycolic, and his patients’ skin would be forever changed.

The core of his practice become his professional, two-minute, zero-irritation, in-office glycolic peel.

But there was still a problem: Dr. Schultz’s patients wanted to share their skincare secrets (and their regimens) with their friends and family. Nearly every day, Dr. Schultz was asked how “my mom in Los Angeles” or “my sister in Dallas” could experience the same renowned peels and renowned results that patients were receiving in Manhattan. To address these needs, Dr. Schultz developed his line of at-home dermatologist treatments, based around a core set of daily gentle-yet-effective glycolic exfoliants.

His patients loved the products for one reason: They just work.

While his initial products worked wonders for his patients’ skin, he knew that, with a bit of formula tinkering, even better results could be achieved. 150,000 patient visits and 60,000 in-office glycolic peels later, Dr. Schultz developed the award-winning, luxurious line of BeautyRx products that he sells today.

A chemist first, Dr. Schultz continues to refine his formulas to create the most effective yet gentle treatments.

“The Peel Bar® was born.”

But products alone weren’t enough. Dr. Schultz wanted to offer the public the same gorgeous, glowing skin that his patients had been walking around with for 35 years. And since that skin was the result of not only at-home products but also regular in-office glycolic peels, The Peel Bar® was born. In 2016, BeautyRx launched The Peel Bar®, delivering the same exact in-office, two-minute, no-downtime peel outside of the office.

Now, BeautyRx by Dr. Schultz, unlike any other professional brand, actually delivers the dermatologist solution -- the same exact one you’d get if you visited Dr. Schultz at his office -- to you, the modern beauty consumer.

To truly bring the dermatologist experience to you, Dr. Schultz wanted to make sure that he was truly available.

Today, the doctor is always in. Literally.

Whether you’re a patient at his practice or a BeautyRx customer, you can receive skincare advice directly from Dr. Schultz. Join the community to become part of the 80,000+ subscribers who’ve had their most pressing skin care questions answered by Dr. Schultz in his video series, DermTV, or ask a new question at


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